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Welcome to Harbour Lake Baptist Church
We look forward to our time together to worship the Lord and we encourage everyone to invite their friend and family to come and be our guest!
Plan Your Visit
Here you will discover a warm group of real people dedicated to following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
What to Expect
Happily, our parking lot isn’t complicated. There is one path to the main entrance.
There is a Sunday School Class For You! In Sunday School, you will stablish new friends and Christians relationships. We have classes for all ages from babies to senior adults. We have married classes as well as singles classes. Learn More >
Sundays at 11:00 am
An energized time of worship led by the HLBC Praise Band. Learn More >
Nursery care available during our morning Worship Service and Sunday Classes
Sunday School classes during each service for kids K – 5th grade.
Rightnow Media
We hope each of you have had a chance to explore Right-Now Media. This tool will bring Godly programming and bible studies right into your home and it’s free. What a great alternative this Christian programming is to the worldly programming we are bombarded with on a daily basis. There is programming for every age-group in your home, from Veggie Tales to Charles Stanley. If you have questions about this Christian growth tool. All you need is an internet connection. And we encourage you to share it with friends, family, coworkers and anyone else you know. There is no cost to anyone, anytime. We want this to be Harbour Lake’s gift to the community as well.