Sunday School

A place to grow...

HLBC Sunday School Vision Statement

To create a culture, within the Sunday School program of Harbour Lake Baptist Church, that will fulfill the Great Commission by reaching the lost in our community and growing disciples within the body of Christ.

There is a Sunday School Class for you!

Sunday School for every age group and meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM.

If you have any questions about our Sunday School Ministry, please feel free to contact the church office. 

Come to our next gathering.


Sundays At 9:30 AM

What We Do

We stand With You

People are hurting today like never before.  Since the day each of us entered the world, pain has been part of the human experience.  But as we draw closer to what the Bible describes as the time of the world’s greatest suffering – the Great Tribulation – it appears pain is increasing at an accelerated rate.  Divorce, child abuse, drugs, rebellious children, suicide, crime, sexual promiscuity, etc.  Life seems to come unraveled so easily these days.  So where does one go for the love and support so desperately needed in times of crisis?  Sunday School!  We may not have all the answers, but your  Sunday School class will stand with you through the troubling times.

Gather Together

Worship is designed for you to make a personal connection with the Living God.  Sunday School is designed for you to make personal relationship with God’s people.  God created each of us with the need for relationships.  Stress researchers at the University of Illinois found that persons who feel connected with other people are more calmed and less tense.  In Sunday School, you will establish new friendships and Christian relationships. It is a very relaxed environment where you can ask questions and build friendships.

college group
You Belong
college mentors

Everyone desires a place where they belong, are known, know others, are loved, and are appreciated.  Sunday School is such a place.  We have classes for all ages from babies to senior adults. We have married classes as well as singles classes. Why not give Sunday School a try? we meet at 9:30 AM each Sunday morning We’ll be looking for you!!